About the Skyway Resource Center
The Skyway Resource Center launched in September of 2020 after a year of planning and in response to the COVID19 pandemic. With backbone support from Renton Innovation Zone Partnership (RIZP) and in partnership with HUD’s Region X Seattle office, Renton School District and Supporting Parents in Education & Beyond (SPEB), the first “pop-up” occurred on September 2, 2020 at New Birth Ministries in Skyway.
The Skyway Resource Center builds off of years of community planning, dating back to 2014 when Schemata Workshop led a Community Center Visioning Process. In 2016, the Skyway-West Hill Action Plan (SWAP) called out the need to, “establish a space open to the community where service providers can conduct programs geared toward activities to benefit youth, seniors and/or other targeted populations.”
On October 16, 2020, the Skyway Resource Center was designated a HUD Envision Center.
Community Vision
In December of 2020, Skyway residents advocated to the only local bank branch, which closed operations, to donate the building for use as a multi-service center, instead of selling it for private development. In the months since this request, we have been working with the King County Housing Authority to make this building the permanent home of the Skyway Resource Center.
In April of 2021, we received a Local Community Projects grant from the WA Department of Commerce for building renovation. In June of 2021, we also received a Grant from US Bank Foundation to host immersion events for Skyway youth, under the Economic Empowerment and Educational Advancement Pillars.
On August 31, 2021, US Bank donated their Skyway Branch building to King County Housing Authority to be the permanent location for the Skyway Resource Center!
Since our first “pop-up” event one year ago, more than 25 community-based organizations and public entities have provided services and resources to more than 500 community members. The services and resources align with the four pillars from the HUD Envision Center model: Economic Empowerment, Educational Advancement, Health & Wellness and Character & Leadership.
Get To Know Us
The Renton Innovation Zone Partnership is coordinating this project in partnership with direct service providers, public agencies and the Skyway community.
We look forward to working with you to help make this project a success for Skyway!
Our Attendee Profile
55% of clients from 98178 zip code
36.7% of attendees identify as African American
26.9% of attendees identify as Asian
15.8% of attendees identify as Hispanic/Latinx
Top 3 reasons attendees show up to the Skyway Resource Center:
Diapers & Baby Essentials
Rental/Housing assistance
"...community center because people can hang out and so people can interact with each other, play, set up clubs and activities like art, sports and movies, and food for free. The center can give out free food also I think a community center is helpful to people in Skyway."
- Campbell Hill Elementary School Student
Get Involved
Provide your voice and help create the new Skyway Resource Center.
As the Renton Innovation Zone Partnership (RIZP) transitions its facilitation of the Skyway Resource Center (SRC) and focuses more on building development and renovations of the former U.S. Bank building in Skyway for SRC operations, Public Health-Seattle & King County and King County Department of Local Services are collaborating to host future Skyway Resource Center events in Skyway!
Attend Our Resource Center
We're answering the call. We've established a space open to the community. Service providers can conduct programs geared toward activities to benefit youth, seniors and/or other targeted populations.
Words From Our Community
Get Involved
We have many different volunteer opportunities for you to assist our community.
Media & Reports
Check Out The Skyway Resource Center
... it is also a wonderful example of the Skyway community coming together to take care of one another despite a generation of disinvestment from its regional and state governments."
- King County Councilmember Girmay Zahilay
"The EnVision Center is...
Join Us.
We have a drive through multi-service center to access free resources that are available for families, students and individuals.